9 lipca 2010

Offroad (1)

Travelling is like a drug. Abusing it can get u wasted but also once u go into it u can see things other people will never experience. Usual people sit in the office 8h/day, usual people have families, homes. I don't.

Funny thing - I always try to do what I feel I like doing, not caring bout the world and it's expectations about me, but same time I have this feeling that seeing the world and learning it makes me happy and I love it more than anything else (if it makes any sense..)

Ok enough of this crap - time to hit the road! Next target: Georgia. Hithchiking, as usual. Route: Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey - Georgia - Turkey - Greece - Macedonia - Serbia - Bosnia - Croatia - Hungary - Czech Republic - Poland or... else :)

Hope I'll make it - kinda short on money now so any donations are welcome! U don't want me to starve to death on the road, do you? Thanks for any help - really appreciate it!

Transfers from Poland - bank account number:
70 1140 2004 0000 3102 4201 1435 (mBank)

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